Monday, July 2, 2012

Household Plan 7.2.12

Didn't really even come close to finishing last week's list. Oh well. This week there's a lot to do - plus getting ready for vacation so we'll need to add in planning and packing for that. No shopping though - no matter how great the deals this week I do not have time for that!

Daily -

Make beds
Empty Trash
Wipe out Bathroom Sinks
Change dishtowels and bathroom hand towels

Other -
Water plants/garden
Clean stove
Vacuum 1st floor
Clean toliets/bathrom mirrors
Clean middle shelf of refrigerator
Pay 6/29 bills and balence checkbook
Dust LR/ Clean windows
Wash car
Change kid's sheets
Trim front hedges
Mow lawn not doing it this week. It is starting to turn brown, not growing very fast, and we've got no rain forcasted for the next 10 days. It can wait until after vacation. Who cares if it's a little long, right?
Weed wacking
Plan for July/August birthdays, etc. actually going to wait until we get back from vacation - no occasions until end of July anyway.
Pack for vacation

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