I found this great website the other day as I sat surfing the web - it is articles, news stories, tips and such for single parents. You can view it at www.singleparents.about.com
I signed up for their daily newsletter with helpful tidbits of information for single parents. The current newsletter is focused on guided journaling. Each day I get a different topic in my inbox to journal about so I thought I'd share here.
I'll do my best to post each day, but if you know me at all, I am not making any promises :) Join me in journaling on these topics and share your thoughts. Doesn't matter to me if your single or married - I'd love to hear your opinions.
Today's topic -- List 5 things you can do for yourself this week and then commit to doing at least one of them
1. Read a chapter of one of the MANY books waiting for me patiently on my kindle
2. Take a 30 minute walk on my lunch hour
3. Take a bath after the kids go to bed
4. Give myself a pedicure
5. Go to a matinee movie on Friday while the kids are at daycare
I'll let you know which one I end up doing.
Great list...and great idea. Following via Multiples and More. Off to jot down 5 things myself...
Love this idea...so simple, yet so powerful! A matinee by myself?? Sign me up!
Following from M&M :-)
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