Wednesday, October 31, 2012

November Meal Plan

1- soup and sandwich (grilled cheese and canned soup - working late)

2- takeout

3- crockpot chicken and stuffing

4- fish sticks/salmon

5- breakfast for dinner - pancakes

6- spaghetti and meatballs

7- sausage with sauerkraut and potatoes (crockpot)

8- soup and sandwich

9- pizza

10- pierogies with vegetables

11- sweet potato chili (crockpot)

12- leftover

13- pizza chicken (crockpot)

14- sausage stronganoff

15- soup and sandwich (loaded baked potato in the crockpot)

16- takeout

17- ham and scalloped potatoe casserole (crockpot)

18- breakfast for dinner - frittata, sausage

19- fish sticks/salmon

20- salisbury steak

21-23 Thanksgiving with family

24- dinner out for my birthday :)

25- spaghetti and meatballs

26- pigs in ponchos

27- pizza

28- leftovers

29 - Kid's choice

30- takeout

Monday, October 29, 2012

Household Plan 10.29.12

Didn't get much accomplished last week because I was mostly focused on work, pre-school stuff, and the kitchen remodel.

Boys started new daycare today after pre-school - so I'll update on that later and we accomplished everything we set out to do for the remodel - and it looks awesome!

Daily -
Make beds
Empty Trash
Wipe out Bathroom Sinks
Change dishtowels and bathroom hand towels

Other -
Water Plants
Put garden to bed
Raking lawn, put away outside toys, and cover grill
Clean top and middle shelves in refrigerator
November meal plan
Grocery shopping list
Grocery shopping
Clean toilets, mirrors, and showers
Sweep porch
Dust DR and Mstr BR
Change Mstr BR sheets
Mop kitchen
Vacuum 2nd floor
Pay 11/2 bills
Organizing recipes
Order cabinet hardware and kitchen backsplash tiles

Monday, October 22, 2012

Household Plan 10.22.12

Took a weekend trip to visit family so I didn't get mich accomplished but I did have fun visiting and it was nice to see family. And, that's what's important.

Here's the plan for this week. I'm so excited that both of my sisters are coming up to visit us next weekend and while here are going to help me put a new kitchen floor in and change my kitchen countertops. Yeah, independent contractors! I'll have to post some before and after pics. Oh, and getting the furnance and insulation replaced in the next week or so, so meeting with contractors about that too. Busy, Busy.

Best day of the week though should be Wednesday - field trip with the boys' pre-school to the pumpkin patch!

Daily -
Make beds
Empty Trash
Wipe out Bathroom Sinks
Change dishtowels and bathroom hand towels

Other -
Water Plants
Put garden to bed
Grocery Shopping list
Grocery Shopping
Clean car
Pay 10/19/12 bills and balance checkbook
Order supplies for kitchen remodel
Paperwork for new child care center
Library books (return before they arrest me :))
Vacuum 1st floor
Clean toilets
Dust LR
Change kid's sheets
sweep porch
Grill cover

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Child care woes

Our daycare provider, the one that the boys have been with since they were infants, gave me her two-week notice the other day. She has found another job. I kind of expected it since the boys have been her only kids for 6 months now - when she lost two school age kids. Well, the boys and her own infant daughter.

I told the boys that night that she would no longer be able to watch them. It was a difficult conversation because they don't really understand that that's her job, and also that they kept saying that they love her and the baby and when will they see them? Will they still see them every day? Ugh. It was hard and it was breaking my heart. My children are experiencing a loss and there is nothing I can do to make it better. So, I ended it with that we would set up playdates with them as often as we could and that if they had more questions about it they can always come to me to ask them.

Then I began frantically looking for a new provider. For those of you who utilize out of home care, and have multiples, you know how difficult this is. Our state regulates the number of children that a home provider can have, so asking for 2 out of 6 slots is a lot - it's 1/3 of the spots. Needless to say, out of a possible 15 providers I called, only one had  slots open. And, there were a few that refused me when they found out the boys were twins?! What is that about?! Does that make them bad, or more difficult to handle??!! That pissed me off. I mean really, suck it up people, they are 4 years old. And I handle them by myself every single day. Ya know what, I wouldn't want my boys in your wimpy ass house anyway.

We went to visit the one provider with space, and while extremely nice and a perfectly suitable place for children, there were 12 school age kids there. And, not early elementary school age. I'm talking 9, 10, 11 year olds. My kids were overwhelmed. And, the days consists mostly of free play. We left. I asked what they thought and Alex kept telling me, for days, that he does not want to go there.

So, I go to the daycare center in town. More expensive, more institutionalized, but more like the pre-school environment that the boys have in the mornings. Playground, and a room full of only four year olds, with four year old toys, and games, and activities. I took the kids to visit and they seemed to enjoy it. When we left I asked them if they had to choose between this place and Miss D's which would they choose, and they chose CC. So, there we go. They will be going 3-4 afternoons a week, after morning preschool. I've decided to cut out Friday afternoon care to save some money. That had been my me time as I only work half-days on Fridays, but I figure, if I can save a little, maybe I could hire a sitter once a month for some me time. Plus, who am I kidding, it wasn't me time, it was clean the house time, and the boys can be home with me for that.

They'll start in the new place next week. I'm a bit worried about the transition.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Household Plan 10.15.12

I know I've been MIA lately. Work has not really slowed down quite yet, looking for a new daycare provider as mine quit and I now have 2  weeks to find someone new, took a trip, and fall soccer began for the boys. Arrrghhh.....I feel like I am completely out of control. I promise more updated posts with pictures and such soon. Really soon.

For now here's this week's plan:

Daily -
Make beds
Empty Trash
Wipe out Bathroom Sinks
Change dishtowels and bathroom hand towels

Other -
Water Plants
Put garden to bed
Grocery Shopping list
Grocery Shopping ?
Vacuum 1st and 2nd floor
Clean toilets, mirrors, bathtubs, sweep/mop bathrooms
Dust DR and Master BR
Clean car and purse/wallet
Pay 10/19/12 bills and balance checkbook
Change Master BR sheets
Order supplies for kitchen remodel
Change kids car seats

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

September ends

I finished everything on my household list last week. I have a ton to do this week. I know I won't get to it. Work is INSANELY busy right now. But the light at the end of that tunnel is it probably will slow down within a few weeks. Two-three more weeks of craziness.

Have to pack for a trip to the city this weekend.

Not even going to post my household plan - I can only focus on the absolute necessities this week.

I have got to start my 5 things for me again - I was finding it was really helpful to my sanity. So, my thing for me for this week is to only worry about necessities.

Tree man came and took down the trees that were giving squirrels access to the attic. Great - thought I outsmarted them buggers. Today I saw one squirrel with a big walnut in his mouth scale the side of my house to get back up to the hole in the soffit. Shit!

That's it - hopefully a few weeks from now I will emerge from the craziness with my sanity intact and a semi-clean and organized house.