Thursday, December 20, 2012

Household Plan 12.17.12

Only focusing on what absolutely needs done this week as I'm still trying to get holiday stuff done. Shopping, wrapping, and baking. Plus the kids and I are trying to work on the holiday bucket list. This weekend looks like we're getting some snow so I think we'll spend some time baking, and wrapping then.

Now off to the yard to finish packing away the summer toys before the snow hits andthen the post office to get the cards mailed out.

Daily -
Make beds
Empty Trash
Wipe out Bathroom Sinks
Change dishtowels and bathroom hand towels

Other -
water plants
clean out purse
pay 12/14 bills
holiday stuff
clean toilets/mop bathrooms
vacuum 1st floor
mop kitchen
clean car
chnage kid's sheets
pack for xmas trip

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